Something Old, New, Borrowed & Blue!

Posted on 15th April 2023

We’ve all heard the saying "Something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue". Right? But, what does it actually mean?

The saying is meant to offer the bride luck on her wedding day and while most people aren’t superstitious, they still choose to honour the tradition. Something old represents continuity. Something new, represents optimism for the future. Something borrowed, represents borrowed happiness – usually from a friend or loved one. Finally, something blue represents the purity, love and fidelity.

There was a time when many women wore their mother’s wedding dress, which ticks two boxes for old and borrowed. However, more people tend to be buying new dresses. This doesn’t mean you can’t still honour tradition. There are lot’s of ways to tick all the boxes and look fabulous doing so!

Your something Old & Borrowed:

You could borrow some of jewellery from family and friends, like earrings, necklace or  bracelet. Family always have pieces laying around in the bottom of drawers!

Or you could use some of your mother’s wedding dress to create a custom pendant, which not only has a vintage feel to it but keeps a piece of the dress protected from age. With a variety of back ground colours and sections of dress to choose from, this piece is totally unique and customisable.

Your something blue:

Why not have blue shoes, not only are they wonderfully stylish they also tick the new and blue or even old, borrowed and blue if any of your friends have a pair. There are a variety of shades and styles for the shoes and if you don’t like heels you can always find some great blue flats with similar details.

Not feeling the blue shoes? Why not have guests write their own messages on the bottom of the your shoes? This way you not only have some beautiful messages from friends and family but a lovely memento from the day itself.

Something New:

This one is probably the easiest of things to get. This can be your wedding dress, shoes, jewellery pretty much anything you can imagine!

We can’t wait to hear some of your ideas - check out our gallery of couples to see if you can spot their take on “Something Old, Something Borrowed and Something Blue”.

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